A. Create a shared folder on a computer connected to the network.
For details, refer to "Creating a Shared Folder on the Windows Desktop" or "Creating a Shared Folder on the Macintosh Desktop" in [Copy / Scan].
A. Yes, you can.
A password can be set when [File Type] - [PDF] is combined with [Page Setting] - [Package] or when [File Type] - [PDF] is combined with [Page Setting] - [Divided]. For details, refer to [Encryption].
A. In order to make searching easier, register characters that will become keywords.
The 1st letter of words registered in [Reference Name] will be the search targets.
A. Main refers to a frequently used destination.
Registering the frequently used destinations in [Main] allows you to select the target scanning destination from [Main] when searching for it, so it is useful.